SDA Assessments
We support NDIS home modification designs and applications.
We help you with your SDA projects to achieve effective outcomes.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for Home Modifications to ensure people with disability can move around their home safely and comfortably, catering to their physical support requirements.
More information about NDIS Home Modification can be found here.
The NDIS has recently developed the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding scheme for people who require specialist housing solutions i.e., NDIS participants with 'extreme functional impairment' or very high support needs who meet specific criteria.
More information about SDA can be found here.
Our NDIS services include:
Home Modification Assessments
Review of Complex Home Modifications applications, including advice to the Occupational Therapist and design team involved in the application.
Specialist Disability Accommodation Assessments
Review of SDA designs to provide holistic design and
accessibility advice to the design team, including developers.